Halloweensie 2021

Here’s one of my entries for Susanna Hill’s annual Halloweensie contest. The rules are pretty simple. Write a Halloween story for children age 12 and under, maximum 100 words. Every year there are 3 specific Halloween-related words that must be included in your story. In 2021 the words were glow-in-the-dark, goosebumps and goodies.

No Grownups!

Goody, no trick-or-treating with the grownups this year! After the millionth reminder to be careful, Max goes out alone into the dark Halloween night. He cracks open his glow-in-the-dark wand, crunching over the dead sidewalk leaves. Walking to meet his friends, Max suddenly stops short. Instant goosebumps!

A dark, haunted house looms before him. Tombstones cover the lawn, bloody zombies and ghastly ghouls dance and spin. Witches, swaying to the sounds of ominous organ music and ghostly oohs, stir a smoky cauldron. A piercing scream fills the night air. And doesn’t stop until Max is safely home.




Fall Writing Frenzy