Halloweensie 2020: Entry 1

Here’s one of my entries for Susanna Hill’s annual Halloweensie contest. The rules are pretty simple. Write a Halloween story for children age 12 and under, maximum 100 words. Every year there are 3 specific Halloween-related words that must be included in your story. In 2020 the words were skeleton, creep, and mask.


By Penelope McNally


Slinky Skeleton loves trick or treating. Bones a-jumpin’, he bops outside as soon as darkness falls. Boom! His empty eye sockets spy them straight away. Mini me skeletons, skipping through the streets, bags a-bulgin’ with delicious treats.

Chocolate, caramels, chewy candy corn…his toothless mouth waters. Gurglin’ growls groan from his tummy-less hole.

Bones a-creakin’, he creep creeps up and tap taps the shoulder of a mini me skeleton. “BOO!” he shrieks, clankin’ and janglin’ his bones.

Jumpin’, screamin’ and masks a-flyin’, candy flutters down every which way. He grins and gulps a gooey gummy bear. Trick or treat, Slinky style.


Holiday Writing Contest 2020


Halloweensie 2020: Entry 2